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Conservation in Illinois

These organizations do considerable conservation work for birds in Illinois.


Bird Conservation Network

BCN is a coalition of about 20 birding-related organizations located primarily in the Chicago metropolitan area. Their mission is the conservation of birds and the habitats they need to survive.




BCN Census

BCN Census volunteers conduct point count monitoring during the breeding season at preserves throughout the Chicagoland Area.  Data is entered on the BCN eBird website, then shared with land managers and analyzed to determine how species are faring in our area.

Bird Population Trends See how birds in the Chicagoland region are doing. This analysis, conducted in 2007, looks at the trends of our birds based on data collected by volunteer bird monitors and the BCN Census.

Chicagoland Birding Trail

BCN and the Chicago Department of the Environment have partnered to create the Chicago Region Birding Trail Guide. This pocket guide covers birding spots in the seven Illinois counties surrounding Chicago and the two north-west Indiana counties along Lake Michigan.

Bird Blitzes

In June 2009, Birders will cover a selection of large grassland sites and attempt to create a complete inventory of the species of birds that are breeding there.

BCN Green Papers Papers and reports offering guidelines and recommendations for land managers, birders, and other individuals regarding ways to improve and provide habitat for birds as well as avoid potential problems like window collisions.




Audubon - Chicago Region

The Chicago office of National Audubon Society works to save wildlife and habitat, and to keep it safe permanently by creating a culture of conservation. They also work closely with Chicago Wilderness through a joint effort called the Habitat Project



Important Bird Areas

The IBA program is an international effort to identify, conserve, and monitor a network of sites that provide essential habitat for bird populations. The goals of the Illinois program are to identify the state's most important bird areas and the threats to them, and to form conservation teams that can implement needed actions.

Lights Out Chicago! A successful campaign to dim lights on all Chicago's skyscraper to protect migrating birds. Chicago's tall buildings have all turned off their decorative lights during spring and fall bird migration, putting them in the forefront of American cities taking action to help birds. Learn how you can start a program in your city or contribute to efforts in the Chicago area. 
Bird Blitzes

In June 2009, Birders will cover a selection of large grassland sites and attempt to create a complete inventory of the species of birds that are breeding there.

Migrant Bird Habitat Study The Migrant Bird Habitat Study was a three year effort to identify tree species that are used more often than others by foraging migrant birds in spring, in order to provide better information to those wishing to improve habitat for migrants.
Restoration Projects

Audubon and Chicago Wilderness help volunteers coordinate restoration projects at sites throughout the region including some large scale efforts at sites like Bartel Grassland, Orland Grassland, and Spring Creek.

Declining & Imperiled Birds A modified report from National Audubon Society that lists birds of moderate and high concern that are declining in the state of Illinois.



Chicago Wilderness

An alliance of over 180 public and private organizations working to protect, restore, study and manage the natural ecosystems of the Chicago region, contribute to conservation of global biodiversity, and enrich local residents' quality of life.



Chicago Wilderness Magazine

This excellent quarterly magazine that celebrates the rich natural heritage of this region and tells the inspiring stories of the people and organizations working to heal and protect local nature. It features stunning photography and includes information on regional events of interest. 

CW Publications Chicago Wilderness has produced a number of excellent publications for the general public, teachers, and land managers that outline the history, habitats, flora, and fauna of the CW Region; current research and initiatives; and recommended management practices.
CW Initiatives

Work of Chicago Wilderness members focuses on four broad, long-term initiatives including Green Infrastructure Vision: Bringing Nature to People; Leave No Child Inside; Restoring the Health of Local Nature; and Climate Change.

Restoration Projects

Audubon and Chicago Wilderness help volunteers coordinate restoration projects at sites throughout the region including some large scale efforts at sites like Bartel Grassland, Orland Grassland, and Spring Creek.

Wild Things Workshops The Wild Things Conference and Wild Things Workshops provide wonderful opportunities for restoration volunteers, land managers, birders, gardeners, and anyone interested in nature to learn about various topics of interest.



If you have suggestions for other organizations that should be included above, please Contact Us.









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